
We meet different sorts of personalities and character types everyday. I wanted to write about a few :

The Opponent –

If you want to get further in life, you need an adversary – an opponent, a better opponent, because the only way to grow is to play a better opponent, a bigger opponent, a smarter opponent. Because your opponent helps you grow, helps you get a measure – a measure of your courage, of your strength – a measure of what you can be. Your opponent helps describes who you are, and what  more you can be. Even though your goal may be to defeat them, i pray it is not to vanquish them, but instead to honour them, for without them we are smaller indeed.

The Warrior –

He did not question if he was to win or loose, neither did he care if he would kill or be killed
His questions, his only thoughts, his very dharma was this;
Will I fulfill my duty as a warrior, with honour or without ?
and as a warrior, am i fighting, fighting for justice ?
whether i am faced with victory or failure, my duty, my dharma is to fight
Till my last breath, till the last drop of blood in my veins
For truth, for justice and for humanity, to overcome and overpower till the fight is at end

The Lover –

When the distinction between yours and mine is at end – I am you.
So do i love you, or do you love me or are we one?
I feel you – full of love, and then i feel you flow away, I lost myself, and yet there remained you.
Every day you came, yet i could’nt see your face, i lit a lamp, but it was in vain.
Were you really by my side? You come and go for what? You awakened me and why?
For now i lie awake day and night – hankering for your sight.


I was thinking about Relationships, what they are, how they evolve, and what really makes them right. I realise there is no hard and fast set of rules – you could have a relationship between two thieves and its built on a factor of fear and distrust, and it may work very well, but likely for a short term. You may have one between a teacher and a student, one built on admiration and respect, or in many cases the fear of a couple of whacks ( yes it’s perfectly fine in India to slap a student around ) – but then again that just goes so far. You might have a relationship with a friend based on pure sexual chemistry and admiration of the others looks or perhaps prowess : ) But that too is short lived..

Here’s a couple of things that do matter – respect, love, admiration, empathy, trust, honesty, humour, passion and a host of other little thing. However the one that comes out right on top is Respect  – R E S P E C T – and i’ll tell you what it means to me ! It’s just one of those things that comes about, when you happen to see a piece of perfection, something that you aspire to be, something about a truth hidden somewhere that you can see. I say respect is based on truth, the more truthful we are, the less lies we have, simpler life is, and better skin and youth you’ll retain : )

If you want a relationship to stand the test of time, to weather any storm, to be your Rock of Gibraltar, base it on truth, its tough at times, and you will get hurt, and you will want to knock your “significant others” head off, poison them or feed them to the lions, but trust me – the truth is all that will let either of you live. And not just live, but live happily ever after!